Sorting Make Up & Shelf Life of Products

I fall into the trap of buying makeup and beauty products then getting it home, wearing it once, and then not picking it up again.  As a result, my counters look something like this.


Does this look familiar to anyone else?


This was my previous attempts at corralling my cosmetics.  Still a mess!IMG_7446_2

Not a good look and very difficult finding what I need every day.

Goal #2 for February was to organize my makeup, so I started with removing everything and sorting and throwing away.

Here is a good chart from Elle. com to help you when deciding if a product has reached its shelf life.

make up shelf life

  I put all products together by category and then duplicate colors, expired or almost used up products were pitched.


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After sorting and throwing away and I mean some MAJOR purging happened, I was left with a fair amount to work with.

I decided my previous attempt at organizing was not working, so I purchased a clear acrylic caboodle brand organizer at Target.

Caboodle makeup

I've seen these clear acrylic trays in a lot of shapes and sizes and the price tags can be a little high.  I am happy with the size and the amount of different slots this one had for only $15.

Here is it all put together.


I actually ended up having space for all my makeup, not just what I use on a daily basis.


Now it is much easier to find what I need and there is none of the excess lying around to clutter up my space.


What was left on the counters still needs to be dealt with, but it is so much better than it was.  Progress is good!


I have been wanting to rearrange my area for some time and get a new make up station in my bedroom.  I will fill you in on how that all came together tomorrow, but here is a sneak peek.


To life feeling like home!


  1. […] I added a few pictures, a mirror I wasn’t using, a tiny bud vase, and my new makeup tray. […]

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