Putting Together a Place Setting

Maybe it's me, but every time I have to put together an actual place setting for a dinner party, I forget which side the fork goes on.  Does that happen to you?  If so, then this post will be a good refresher for both of us.

When looking for information, I came across expert, Emily Post, the etiquette queen.  On the Emily Post website, you can find all the information you have ever been seeking on etiquette and manners.  A whole institute has been put together in her name.

Here is what she says when it comes to a basic table setting:

Basic Table Setting

For a basic table setting, here are two great tips to help you–or your kids–remember the order of plates and utensils:

1. Picture the word “FORKS.” The order, left to right, is: F for Fork, O for the Plate (the shape!), K for Knives and S for Spoons. (Okay, you have to forget the R, but you get the idea!)

2. Holding your hands in front of you, touch the tips of your thumbs to the tips of your forefingers to make a lowercase ‘b' with your left hand and a lowercase ‘d' with your right hand. This reminds you that “bread and butter” go to the left of the place setting and “drinks” go on the right. Emily Post could have used that trick–she was often confused about which bread and butter belonged to her–and sometimes she used her neighbor's! In which case, when it was called to her attention, she would say to the dismayed lady or gentleman, “Oh, I am always mixing them up. Here, please take mine!”

I love those tips!  I had never heard those before, but what a great way to remember it by!

Some other things to know:

*Knife blades always face the plate

*The bread and butter knife are optional

*The napkin is folded or put in a napkin ring and placed either to the left of the forks or on the center of the dinner plate. Sometimes, a folded napkin is placed under the forks.

Here is my place setting for our upcoming dinner party.

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To save space, I put the dessert or “bread & butter” plate on top of our dinner plate.  I thought it made a cute focal point that way.

Also, I added the shot glass next to the water goblet.  Wine glasses will be available for those that wish to have a glass before dinner begins.

Most of the place settings that I will ever have to utilize are considered “basic,” but the Emily Post website also has a formal setting with a variety of glassware and additional silverware pieces added if you need it.

With those handy little tips above, I am hopeful that next time I have guests for dinner, that setting the table will be like riding a bike!

To life feeling like home!



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