Meet Cally! Our New {My Life From Home} Contributor

meHey there! My name is Cally. I’ve been reading My Life From Home since the start a year ago, and I’m so excited to join and share some ideas with everyone.

Amy was the first friend I made in Cincinnati when I moved here 7 years ago. We taught preschool together – and our friendship was a natural fit from the start. We shared a love for teaching little ones, books you can’t put down, (good) coffee and design – it was like I found my hobby soulmate!

I was thrilled when Amy was inspired to start a blog about her life from home. I love the idea of home — the feeling you get when you walk through the front door, the comfort, the security, the joy. When Amy developed Swap for the Change earlier this year, I was delighted she asked me to style the event — from the venue to the flowers — the little things that people remember. I love to decorate my mantle and have started to style my friends’ homes, tablespaces and small entertainment events. And I hope to share some tips for recreating these in your own home.

I’ll be contributing here from time to time, sharing tiny details that make the every day moments of life meaningful and memorable. I’m so excited to share my love of home design with you.getcozy

Get cozy,


  1. […] learn more about our Guest Contributor, Cally Gagnon, read this Introduction Post where she shares more about her […]

  2. Yay Cally! So excited to see what you’ll be sharing 😀

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