Top 10 Takeaways From My First Blogging Conference

I just spent the weekend in Atlanta for my very first blogging conference, Haven! If you're not familiar with Haven, it's a weekend conference full of home decor and DIY workshops to spur you on to continue your creative passions.  Blogging is fun, but it is a lot of work and anything I can learn to help me do this job a little bit better and easier, I am all for it!

I was extremely nervous to go!  I'll be honest, I am an extroverted introvert (?)  That just means that I like people a lot, but I also recharge when I spend time by myself.  Can anyone relate?  Knowing I was heading out to a weekend jam-packed full of meeting new people and activities made me feel really unsure.

The weekend is over and I'm back to reality, but my head is still spinning with all I learned!  I can't wait to continue digesting it and sharing it with you moving forward, but for now, I thought I'd give you a quick Top 10 list of thoughts I walked away with.

These aren't in any particular order!

Top 10 Takeaways from My First Blogging Conference

Haven blogging conference by www.whitecottagehomeandliving.comHaven blogging conference by

10- Bring a sweater, you'll freeze to death.  It may be pushing 100 degrees outside, but inside it's like an icebox.  Always come ready for sitting in a cold room all day.

9- I have no idea what I'm doing.  LOL. Yes. Like really know what I'm doing.  There are a whole lot of people who know a whole lot more than me about SEO, affiliate marketing, branding yourself and email lists.  Take heart, though.  You can learn it and people are willing to help you.

8- Getting swag is like an Olympic sport.  Some have been practicing the art of getting swag for a long time.  Follow them around and you'll be all set!

Haven blogging conference by

7- You need a water bottle.  With talking, parties, and lack of drinking fountains, you'll wish you had a water bottle with you at all times to guzzle.  I was really dehydrated by the end of it all.

6- Your blogging idols are real people.  I was over the moon to meet, Lucy from Craftberry Bush.  It turns out she is the nicest, warmest, loveliest person you could meet.

Haven blogging conference by

5- You will need a vacation when you get home.  I haven't stayed up that late and ran around that much for consecutive days since I was in college.  I just really didn't want to miss anything! I don't regret that one bit, but I do think though that a beach vacation should be mandatory after the conference.

4- Bloggers know how to dance. Who knew?  Saturday night was a soiree complete with a DJ and a dance floor.  Seeing everyone busting a move was a highlight for me.

3- Everyone loves a cute business card.  Bloggers have some WAY cute cards.  Are you going to a conference? Use this as an excuse to be creative.  Want that square card?  Go for it. Each one I picked up was cuter than the next.  I seriously can't wait to go through them all and see who I met.

Haven blogging conference by

2- Be prepared for one of the most amazing weekends of your life.  Being in an atmosphere with others that do what you do is energizing and fun!  Never underestimate the power of community.  It is absolutely necessary (and a blast!)

1- You really can be friends with people you've never met!  This was the biggest revelation for me. For about a year, I have been blessed by a wonderful group of women in a home decor/DIY/craft tribe.  We talk almost daily about the ups and downs of blogging, share personal stuff, and encourage one another.  It was truly wonderful meeting them in person and realizing that virtual friendships really do translate into “real life” meaningful friendships.

Case in point.

Haven blogging conference by

 Did you miss out on purchasing our new Home for Fall eBook last week?  No worries.  It is still available at 30% off.  Use code BACK2SCHOOL through the end of the month!  Yay! 

Home for Fall Book Cover without Launchweek code

To life feeling like home!


  1. Roxanne says:

    Number 8 is so funny! On Sunday morning I went downstairs to breakfast only to find one of the vendors giving away door hardware that they needed to get rid of. I’ve never moved so fast in my life! I missed breakfast altogether, but I got the hardware!

    • Amy says:

      I know! One of our roommates stalked the vendors Sunday and walked away with loads of good stuff! I’ve already got my plan in place for next year, lol 🙂

  2. Mary says:

    I wish I could have met you at Haven. I saw you a couple of times at a distance and never did make it over to say Hello! I agree with every thing you said and am glad my introverted self went too. Maybe I will meet you next year! PS. the amouont of swag was ridiculous! I am still trying to find places to put mine away.

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