More often than not, most people are always in a hurry, and when that special occasion comes, they fail to capitalize on it and settle for gifts you can buy anywhere. However, if you are in a hurry and truly want to make a lasting impression on someone, you can do so with a custom mug.
Printful mugs are mugs that you can customize online from the comfort of your home, and based on where you are located, your special gift to that special someone will arrive in just a couple of days, just in time to celebrate and have wonderful moments together!
Let’s face it, everyone loves their mug. It’s that special cup we all cherish when we drink coffee, tea, or other drinks. It is the catalyst of our joy in our stress-free times. But what if that mug can become something even more special? Something that reminds us of something or someone?
Well, you can make it so. By customizing your mug, you can convey some powerful emotions and messages. The best part? The possibilities are endless, you just have to find the right design. Based on who you want to give the custom mug to, think carefully about your connection to that person, especially what they like or find entertaining or amusing.
Do they enjoy watching memes, action movies, or SCI-FI? Are they sensitive people easily moved by words or pictures? Based on your answer, you already have a strong start on creating the perfect customized mug for your loved one or friend.
A personalized gift stands the test of time, and each time that person wants to have a moment of peace, enjoying their drink, they will see the custom mug that you gave them and think about you, which is a beautiful and magical moment.
Now, when choosing a mug to customize, you need to consider some aspects, such as durability. Some mugs are dishwasher-safe, but you also have to consider your design. Based on which printing website you decide to work with, you can ensure that your custom mug artwork is also dishwasher-safe, washable, and microwaveable. Plus, there are various types of mugs that you can choose from and different materials as well.
When you proceed to create your design for your custom mug, be sure to consider the mug space, if the design covers the entire mug or one side, how many colors the design will have, and the size.
Big mugs have more space, which means a wider area for your design. Don’t choose too many colors, as they might overpower an image. If you want a full custom mug design, you can always use a memorable photo from your phone as long as the picture quality is on par.
Lastly, if you decide only on one color and a text and want to experiment, you can draw that design on a piece of paper and place it on a mug to see how it looks. This will be the closest thing to the original.