Master Bedroom & Bath Renovation~ The Before

I hinted around in the weekly newsletter and also on Facebook that we are preparing for a major remodel in our home this year.  Well, it is here and I couldn't be more excited to say these words, it's #demoday!  I feel like this is a project that's been in the works for 12 years!  Have you ever waited that long for a house project?  It's literally been 12 years of waiting patiently to get this project underway.  It seemed like every time we talked about tackling a home renovation, we would come up with something that needed to be done more than this one.  After the basement, kitchen, back yard, patio, painting the house, landscaping, a new driveway, a new roof and lots of small projects, we are FINALLY getting to the project that I probably have looked forward to the most ~ a new Master Bath and Bedroom Suite!

Our house was 80's through and through when we purchased it.  Carpet in the bathroom?  Not sure that was ever a good move, but that's what we have.  Lights like a runway, huge jacuzzi tub, tiny tiny shower, and a vanity which is only the height of my knees~ Yep, yep, and yep.  

Can't say I'm going to miss any of you 80's glam!

Now I know you are dying to see the before since I told you how pretty it all was.  So, without further ado, here is an 80's bathroom that will make you remember your roller skating years.  

Oooo, and clearly I did not do any cleaning up for y'all!

One lovely aspect that you cannot see is the openness to the bedroom.  The wall doesn't go all the way up, so you get lots of light that's streaming into the bedroom when hubby is up at 5:30 am. 

Oooo and that toilet position!  Perfect for watching yourself in the mirror.  ๐Ÿ™‚

Ok, so what's the game plan…. well, for now, it's get rid of every single thing you can and then put it back together a whole lot better!

 Here is the team hard at work blowing out a wall and tearing it up.  Fun stuff.

Next week, I'll share with you all the pretties behind the design and what I'm thinking about tile, fixtures, and all the good stuff.

It looks better already!

Update: It's Done!  Come see the FULL REVEAl.

To life feeling like home!





  1. Portella says:

    How do I prepare my house for remodeling?

  2. Hi Amy,
    For sure this must be done by now. I’m so excited to see the final outcome also, hoping that I have the chance to see it also

  3. […] you need to catch up on what’s been happening around here with this project, here is the BEFORE, followed by the pretty INSPIRATION […]

  4. XO Reno Demo Day! Can’t wait to see how it turns out. Thanks for sharing at the Inspiration Spotlight party. Shared.

  5. Emily says:

    This is exciting! I was just telling my husband that I am antsy to do another big time renovation. It is fun to see the progress and dream up the new space!

  6. Emily says:

    I am so excited for your bed & bath remodel! I know it’s going to be fabulous (and a lot more functional) when it’s finished.

  7. Rachel says:

    Oh, I am excited for you! It really will be worth the wait. We are renovating our bathroom too this year. Remodel buddies! I had carpet in the bathroom growing up and I always thought that was the most horrible idea too.

  8. Sarah says:

    Carpet in the dampest room in the house… Yeah, that makes sense. ๐Ÿ˜‰ Hahaha gotta love the 80s!

  9. BonBon says:

    Can’t wait to see the final results. Its going to be amazing.

  10. Roxanne says:

    How fun, I can’t wait to see the after! Sadly, I have waited longer than 12 years for a room makeover, but it’s even more amazing when it finally comes to pass!

  11. Jenn says:

    How exciting! I really don’t know who decided that bathrooms should be wide open to the bedroom (or carpet for that matter!). I can’t wait to see the progress – I now it will look amazing!

  12. Amanda says:

    So exciting! Can’t wait to watch it all come together!

  13. Wow! Can’t wait to see the finished space! How exciting!

  14. Sue says:

    Hi Amy, isn’t the feeling good when you know a project is now under way. Can’t wait to see what you put in that bathroom’s place. Just wish mine, which is UK 1950’s yuck in greyish pink looked as good as your before. Still our project is under way too and, fingers crossed hoping that we are both delighted with the finishes.

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