Polka Thanksgiving and Book Giveaway

Here is an update from my holiday weekend. We spent several days visiting family in Cleveland. We did a little bowling, a little dancing (polka that is) and ate a lot of food!

I enjoy family traditions and I mentioned how we always go bowling. It was another successful outing as I remained the reigning bowling queen; beating my family with a high score of 120 🙂


In the last several years we've taken to eating two Thanksgiving meals, one traditional and one ethnic. Of the two, I have to say I look forward to our “Russian” feast the most. Although it's not entirely Russian, but truly a hodgepodge of Eastern European foods. A gem of a place, the Westside Market, is the best place to score all the foods we need for the feast; perogies, haluski, stuffed cabbage, kolaches, sauerkraut and Slovenian sausages, kielbasa and hot Hungarian sausage. Wow, that's a mouthful of words I had never heard of before meeting my husband! The key to it all is butter and more butter. Can't go wrong with that! The foods are very yummy and we look forward to scouting out unusual flavors of perogies, our favorite being prune, can you imagine??

Here is the Westside Market:







It's quite an interesting place to visit.

Another interesting and fun tradition we partake in is polka dancing. This year, we joined the Cleveland Polka Association for a live polka dance. Have you ever been polka dancing? Let's just say it's not for the weak of heart! All that jumping around and quick feet and I was sweating in less than a minute. The fact that the average age of those in attendance was about 75 made the feat of polka dancing even more impressive. Watching these folks made me feel like I had two left feet. Grant on the other hand fit right in as he was racing around the floor swinging his arm like a pirate.

Bad pictures, but kind of gives you the idea!


Here is Grandma Quidort (92) enjoying a dance.


Most of all, it was a special time being with those we love and was over way too soon!


IMG_6217How did you spend your time over the holiday?

If you haven't signed up for the “Visions of Light” book giveaway, today is the final day! Click here and put your name in the comments section. I'll be drawing a name tomorrow!


To life feeling like home!









  1. […] Eastern European meal.  You may recall from my Thanksgiving blog post, that we made a visit to the Westside Market when we were visiting in Cleveland.  The Westside Market has all the meats and ingredients we need […]

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