Room by Room~ Children’s Bedrooms

Children's bedrooms should be inspiring spaces to relax, play, and enjoy! 

Today is our next installment in our Room by Room Summer Showcase and we are sharing our bedroom spaces.  Since it may be a lot to cover all in one post, we are breaking it into two posts. This week we'll do children's and guest bedrooms and next week it'll be all about the Master Bedroom. 

When it comes to decorating children's spaces, I tend to throw most of my decorating rules out the window. While I love a neutral farmhouse look for the rest of the house, I do not insist on that for my children's bedrooms.  There are certain parameters that I can live with and within that, we've had a lot of fun decorating together. 

How to tackle Decorating Your Child's Bedroom

Each of my three children have way different personalities. Emma, my oldest at 13 has just crept into the teen years.  When it came time to redecorate her bedroom, she really wanted a more colorful modern feel to her space.  Her room was my One Room Challenge space last spring. You can see the full reveal of her Colorful Modern Tween Hangout Bedroom, HERE. 

My middle daughter, Olivia, is 12. She has told me that she desires to have a calm and soothing space. We just recently began to make some changes in her room to make it more in tune with her stage of life.  I can smell a good room makeover coming here with this one soon!

My youngest is Grant. He is 6 years old. His room was redone for my very first One Room Challenge in Spring of 2016. With his space, we went with a vintage preppy theme full of plaid and sports.  Grant did not really have a lot of requests for his space, so I still had a lot of free reign in decorating. The biggest issues we faced were creating a space for toy storage and also a small art desk. You can see some of the creative ways we stored things in pretty vintage containers (HERE) and also the DIY desk I made for the room. (HERE). The full reveal of his Modern Vintage Sports Themed Bedroom is HERE. 

Modern Vintage Sports Bedroom for a Boy Room Reveal by www.whitecottagehomeandliving.comModern Vintage Sports Bedroom for a Boy Room Reveal by www.whitecottagehomeandliving.comModern Vintage Sports Bedroom Reveal by

One of the biggest questions I hear is, How did you start the process?  

The first step in all of these makeovers was scouring Pinterest!

1. Pinterest is the go-to spot for all the decor ideas you would ever want!

2. I suggest sitting with your child and letting them help you find styles and room designs they like. With those ideas (and some of your own), you can gather ideas and begin putting together a plan. 

3. My next suggestion is to consider your furniture and storage pieces. Look at what you already have and consider what you need.  Look for multifunctional pieces.  Have your child work with you in picking new storage pieces out that way they understand where things belong.

4. Compromise!  Allow them to have that trendy accessory they want.  As long as you don't spend a lot of money on the little things, you can easily switch those out when their tastes change (and they definitely will!)

I hope you've enjoyed another week of our Room by Room Showcase.  Here are the other spaces I've shown you so far.

Entry   |   Kitchen   |   Living Spaces

Now it's time to check out some other inspiring bedroom spaces! 

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To life feeling like home!




  1. Wow! I am impressed! Great job!

  2. […] How to Decorate Children’s Bedrooms, HERE  […]

  3. Emily says:

    I’ve loved what you’ve done with Grant and Emma’s rooms; I can’t wait to see what you and Olivia are working on!

  4. Everything is just so wonderful. Thank you for sharing this, you really have such a creative mind. Anyways, I love Olivia’s room. It really does look relaxing and calm which my daughter prefers too. Good job on this! <3

    • Amy says:

      Thank you! It is sometimes hard to get it right when you are working with a “client” that changes their minds all the time, lol 🙂 It was fun. So glad you like it!

  5. Amy – you already know how much we absolutely love these rooms! They are both beautiful and functional. You always have such wonderful ideas that you bring to life…thanks for sharing!

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