The Great Purge: End of Day 1

My one major goal for April was my storage room in the basement.  With the help and encouragement of my mom and dad visiting from AZ, we got started on this project.  I cannot believe how much junk we had!  Really crazy.  I guess it builds up over time (at least that's what I'm telling myself).  Yikes!

We spent one whole day literally sorting, purging, and moving everything out.  We made a lot of headway on the area and little by little, I think I can turn this unusable space into something very usable. 

Here are some pictures to show you what I was dealing with initially.  The space is an unfinished space centered around our heating and water units.  We do have one wall of wood shelves, but they are too narrow for large tubs to fit on.

Most of our storage is keepsakes and scrapbooks from our childhood, seasonal decorating, preschool curricula items from my former career, and odds and ends.  Very few things do I really use very often, so this room had been overlooked.

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Ok, crutches and a baby pool? Not sure where some of this even came from!

I also discovered a lot of paint, some colors we no longer had in our home.  In addition, maybe 4 Christmas trees are too much??

I have to fully admit to you that this could never have been done without help.  As you can see from the next photo, my mom, was down and dirty with it.


Our process consisted of pulling everything out, sorting it into piles of keep, pitch, give away and then cleaning.  When the basement was finished this summer, a lot of dry wall dust had settled on all of our storage items, so dusting and cleaning things up was a big job.

Here it is half way through day 1.

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A whole lot got removed, where did it go? Well, most went in the trash or to the garage to take to Good Will.  There was very little worth the hassle of selling.


Any guesses what the next major purge project might be?

IMG_8640_2After 2 car load trips to Good Will, we called it a day.

Have you ever undertaken a major project like this?  If so, time for you to share ideas with me.  Now I am moving on to phase 2 of what I'm calling the “Great Purge.”  This part has me much more excited.  I am coming up with a plan to organize and assign that room a purpose!  Yeah.  Much more fun.

To life feeling like home!



  1. […] one!  The goal was to get my basement storage room under control once and for all.  Here is the link to where the room stood when I left you all.  The biggest challenge was working on a plan.  After […]

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