My Life From Home is Becoming White Cottage Home & Living

My Life From Home Blog is becoming White Cottage Home & Living!

After 4 years of blogging, I have decided to change my name!  When I started this blogging journey which seems so long ago, I never imagined where it would take me.  I remember hitting that Publish button for the very first time and thinking, “what in the world am I doing!”  I was nervous, scared, and frankly had no clue what was coming.  It really began just as an outlet for me after a difficult decision I made to stay home.  Thus, My Life From Home was born.  It was a combination of life with my then younger kids, some decor, lots of fashion, and really just anything I felt like writing.  As time has moved on, I have really felt my passion specifically for home decor and design.  I have finally found my style so to speak in a cottage style/ farmhouse look and I have been blessed to be able to work with brands that see my vision and like my work.  As a result, I feel like I have grown and the blog has shifted throughout the last 4 years.

Recently, I decided to share my love of cottage style, one-of-a-kind personalized decor with my readers in the form of a new online store, called White Cottage Home.  This name came from our home.  We moved last year into a white ranch-style house.  Even though it is spacious, it has a very cozy cottage feel to it.  White Cottage Home just seemed to fit.  White Cottage Home Store has a combination of home decor items both vintage and new.  The vintage pieces are found items that I enjoy hunting for.  Both old and new fit the white cottage home feel and will give your home a personalized look.  Often, over the years, I have used these types of pieces in my decorating and received lots of comments from readers wanting to know where I got them.  Now, you can shop these items right from the blog!

In fitting with the new shop, it only made sense to change and update the blog to coincide with this new adventure.  You will still see the same types of posts and home decor ideas you had before with a bit more “shop talk” included to show you how to use those pieces from White Cottage Home Store in your space.

As I have said before, it has been quite an adventure this blogging thing and I feel so blessed to be able to share my passion with you each and every day.  It's from the bottom of my heart that I thank you for following along with me and my family.  I love what I do and I am enthused to see where this little shop and blog take me next!

I have updated my Instagram, Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter to the new handle.  If you already follow, then you should still be seeing my posts.  To receive each post on the blog as I publish, you can Subscribe (LINK) and it will come directly to your inbox. If you haven't visited the store yet, now is a good time to do it because I am offering my readers a 20% discount on all purchases today and tomorrow!  Use code: WCH20 to save at Checkout!  Yay!




  1. […] talk about the name. You all likely know this blog as “White Cottage Home & Living”. As much as I wish I lived in a white cottage, I don’t. I live in a new build, in a housing […]

  2. […] 3. My Life From Home Becomes White Cottage Home & Living […]

  3. Congratulations, Amy! So exciting!

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