My 5 Thrifting Must-Haves, & 10 Extra Tips

One of my favorite pastimes is thrifting.  There is something about the thrill of the hunt which I enjoy, not only because of that little rush you get when you find the perfect little item, but scoring a vintage item or two just makes your home a more personalized space. 

Today's topic is something I am passionate about and that is thrifting.  I love a good thrift store and if you don't, you are missing out.  Today, I plan to give you some of my favorite tips to make the most of your thrifting experience.  I also may convince you along the way that thrifting is the best way to add character and personalization to your home.

Why I Thrift

I haven't always been a thrifter.  I think it's something that has grown on me the more I've done it.  I also have the advantage of working from home which affords me the luxury of time.  Thrifting does take time.  You have to be committed to the process and understanding that sometimes you'll have a winner day and sometimes you just won't. 

I think the biggest desire I have in thrifting is to make my home unique.  Where there is nothing wrong with home decor items purchased at stores, I have found over time that the pieces I use over and over again in my vignettes, mantel displays, and decorating have been one of a kind finds.  Not only do these items tend to have a story whether its something you know about the age or make of the item but they are something you won't see when you visit your friend or neighbors house. 

Another good reason to thrift is to save money. Thrifting is an economical option to getting the look of your dream home without breaking the bank. It's much easier to get a high end look for a fraction of the cost if you are willing to get a little dirty!

Lastly, thrifting is not only good for the environment, but many stores are run by organizations that help people.  I can save a treasure that would be thrown in the trash and financially help someone who needs it.  

Thrift Store Must Haves

  1. Hand Sanitizer- No joke, hand sanitizer is a must.  I am not a germ freak, but lets be honest thrift stores are full of items which have been handled by many many people.  Often they are full of dust and grime.  Just to be on the safe side, a small bottle of hand sanitizer is always at the ready.
  2. A tape measure-Thrift stores do not accept returns, so you want to make sure that the beautiful rug you pick up is going to work in your space before purchasing. Having your tape measure handy will make your life a lot easier.
  3. List of items you are on the hunt for and measurements- I keep a running list on my phone of all the items that I am looking for or collect.  It can be overwhelming sometimes as you are digging through the shelves to remember what you even came for.  With a list and any measurements of furniture items you need, it is easier to keep on track and to make sure you don't miss out on a good item.
  4. Comfortable Shoes– Comfy shoes are always a must.  If you are on your feet for many hours, your feet will thank you!
  5. Your Phone- If you are interested in the value of the item you picked up, having your phone at the ready can be helpful.  Google it and most likely you will see it on eBay, Etsy, or another site which can quickly tell you the value, age, or any other questions you may have about it. Most of the time, I don't worry too much about this because if I love it, I buy it!

A few extra thrifting tips

  1. Set a budget before you start thrifting so you don't overspend.
  2. Always check the quality and condition of items before purchasing them.
  3. Have a clear idea of what you need or want to buy to focus your search.
  4. Be patient when searching for items, it can take some time to find the perfect piece.
  5. Try on clothes before buying them to make sure they fit properly.
  6. Check the store's sale schedule to save money.
  7. Make sure to bring enough cash, some stores only accept cash.
  8. Look for unique pieces that you won't find anywhere else.
  9. Don't be afraid to negotiate the price, some stores may be willing to make a deal.
  10. Consider donating any items you no longer need after you've finished thrifting.

What do you think? Are you convinced that thrifting may be in your future?

I'll be back with another post on thrifting and some additional tips on where and when to thrift soon!

Come see my latest thrift haul on Youtube

  1. […] you may want to catch up on.  Thrifting: 5 Favorite Items  to Hunt For (LINK), and Thrifting 5 Tips to Make the Most of Your Experience & Why I like Thrifting (LINK),  I also have a number of posts on thrifted items which I have restored or up cycled you can search […]

  2. […] series on Thrifting including; 5 Tips & Why I Thrift, and 5 Favorite Items to Hunt […]

  3. […] my last post, 5 Tips to Making the Most of Thrifting, we talked about why I thrift and I gave you 5 tips to consider before starting your thrifting […]

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